Aug 1, 2015

Intro to the Beauty Posts!

Product Matter is alive and kicking!!

I am a forty-something full-time mom to two kids and three fur-kids who has little time for shopping. I love shopping online, and I am starting to become very interested in makeup now that the flaws of the aged are standing out more prominently. But to just walk into a beauty store such as my local Ulta can be pretty daunting when you don't know where to begin.

After trying out some samples from an online Ulta shopping binge, I discovered samples really aren't that bad! You can try out new products without dropping a lot of cash on something that just doesn't work for you.

Becoming more and more popular these days are products that are delivered to your door on a subscription basis. I've learned that some companies offer either full-sized products or smaller sample sized products for you to try. There are also many different categories of subscription boxes, such as books, fitness, beauty, makeup, arts.. you get the drift.

I wanted to try out some makeup boxes. For my first experience, I didn't want to drop a lot of cash on something that could be close to a scam (such as Wen by Chaz Dean provided by Gunthy-Renker.)

After doing some research on the interwebs for the best makeup subscription boxes, I decided to go ahead and purchase two subscription boxes from Birchbox and ipsy. Each are $10.00 USA dollars for a monthly sampling. These links are affiliate links which will earn me reward points if you use those links to join. Let me know if you do! 

I will review those here as they come in. I have ordered them in the last half of July 2015 so that I can expect an August delivery. After reading comments on the company Facebook pages, I hope I am not one of those unlucky ones who seem to never receive their boxes in a timely manner.

Time will tell..

I will tag those posts as Ipsy  or Birchbox and Subscription Boxes and probably listed under Beauty and Makeup labels. Work in progress, ladies!

I will do another post so that I can "profile" myself. This will serve as a "before" post, so that I can see how I have changed opinions of products, and how my beauty and diet routines change over time.


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